2009 _ 001 Urban Songline Latitude: 51.44768° N – 51.44729° N / Longitude: 5.45609° E – 5.45529° E – Flux-S, Eindhoven, NL

This is the first Urban Songline after visiting the Australian outback studying the Aboriginal tradition to take care of, spiritually embody and map their land as an individually assigned verbal and tonal description of their personal line in the landscape received at birth. By creating Urban Songlines in our contemporary habitat, the city, and through translation into music and thus listening to buildings and public spaces, we can appropriate them and investigate notions of belonging and becoming.


Part of the project Urban Songlines, a utopian/dystopian series of collaborative translations of buildings, urban structures and public spaces into music through site-specific sound-generation. These performances are a way of connecting to places by listening to them as well as a research into how we use and experience the public domain and to what degree we can claim ownership over it, discussing notions of inclusion, becoming and belonging.


For Flux-S Arts Festival I invited, in collaboration with Mexican composer Jomi Delgado, skateboarder Michiel ‘Kledder’ Kelders of adjacent AreaFiftyOne skate park to ride the architecture of the SBP building on Strijp-S in Eindhoven in order to record the noise that is created under his skateboard and reflecting around him. These sounds are then transformed by electronic devices into a musical composition resulting in a translation of the visual details of the building, that once was a Philips light-bulb factory, into an audible ones.

001 Urban Songline was realized with generous support of the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.