020 Urban Songline (Marble Game) | Latitude: 39.102759° N – 39.102907° N / Longitude: -84.511896° W – -84.512164° W, 2014 – Rosenthal Contemporary Art Center – Cincinnati – US

For ‘Buildering: Misbehaving the City’ several local dance groups turn Zaha Hadid’s ‘Urban Carpet’ design for the building into a marble game with giant weather balloons. The dancers improvise to the live music created from the sounds of the description of the shape of the space with the balloons completing a dialogue with the building.

The sidewalk runs under the central volume of the building in a one degree angle, turning 89 degrees into a vertical plane bending the floor like a skateboard ramp behind a giant steel staircase. The space works to defy gravity. The gravity we use to run our marbles up and down the architecture.


Part of the project Urban Songlines, a utopian/dystopian series of collaborative translations of buildings, urban structures and public spaces into music through site-specific sound-generation. These performances are a way of connecting to places by listening to them as well as a research into how we use and experience the public domain and to what degree we can claim ownership over it, discussing notions of inclusion, becoming and belonging.

020 Urban Songline is made possible with generous support from the Mondriaan Fund and as part of the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York