022 Urban Songline (Ghost In The Machine – Invisible Circus) | Latitude: 40.417259° N – 40.417468° N / Longitude: -3.698357° W – -3.698130° W, 2014 – CineBogart: Imaginar un Edificio, CentroCentro, Madrid, ES
Music composed from the sound-track of the last movie played (The Invisible Circus) in 2001 at CineBogart in Madrid before it was squatted and destroyed mixed with processed sounds of me entering the now derelict building to retrieve it’s last reel. This movie is the ghost in the machine of the projector that is the ghost in the machine of the theatre that in its turn acts as the ghost in the machine of our imagination. The spiralled pavilion disappears as visitors take the vinyls home one by one taking possession of the building-as-music collectively.
Part of the project Urban Songlines, a utopian/dystopian series of collaborative translations of buildings, urban structures and public spaces into music through site-specific sound-generation inspired by the tradition of the Songlines, a system for relating to-, mapping of- and caring for their land among Aboriginal Australians. These performances are a way of connecting to places by listening to them as well as a research into how we use and experience the public domain and to what degree we can claim ownership over it, discussing notions of inclusion, becoming and belonging.